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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


This is the modern new building in Hong Kong.
Another view taken from a double decker bus.
The old HongKong, seafood lane. a man unloading goods. Posted by Picasa


This is a back lane in HongKong.
This is called the "seafood lane" in Hong Kong, what ever dried sea food you need you can buy it here. They have a huge range of dried sea cucumbers, dried scallops, fish ,dried prawns and chinese herbs too. Posted by Picasa


HongKong,the busy little town.
HongKong, at night.
On the main Hong Kong island, new tram lines are put in and they have double decker buses. Transport is very convenient in Hong Kong.
Corner shop on the streets of HongKong. Posted by Picasa


This is another side of China town, more stalls.

A chinese temple in Petaling Street. KL. An Indian Temple in Petaling street.KL. Posted by Picasa


Petaling Street, is a place where you can shop, look, eat and just browse around.Things are much cheaper than in the shops, but you have to do a bit of bargaining to get a "good buy".
Stallholders start to set up their stalls from 3pm , the crowd starts coming at 5pm.through till 12am.
You can buy, shoes, t-shirts, fruits, dvds, watches, and lots more.Some go to have a bite to eat, meet friends, others to do their daily shopping, it's indeed a great place to visit!
This is the "must see street" when you visit Malaysia.
It is in the heart of China Town , Kuala Lumpur. In this street you'll find what ever you are looking for, even a long lost friend! Posted by Picasa